Warringal Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

The Avenue Hospital, Victorian Day Procedure Centre, Warringal Private Hospital specialist Anthony Njo

Dr Anthony Njo

MB.B.,B.S., FANZCA, FFPMANZCA, FHKCA, FHKCA(Pain Medicine), FHKAM (Anaesthesiology), MPH

Dr Njo has been practicing in Pain Medicine for over 12 years and as an Anaesthetist for 20 years. Anthony graduated in 2001 in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong. After completing his Fellowship in Anaesthesiology of Australian & New Zealand College and Hong Kong College, he started noticing his passion for helping patients suffering from pain. He started practice in Pain Medicine in 2009 and obtained dual Pain Medicine Fellowships of Australian and Hong Kong Colleges. In addition, he holds a master degree in Public Health.

Anthony was one of the leaders in developing Pain Medicine in Hong Kong. He introduced and promoted a new pain interventional procedure and was the founder of the Chronic Pain Management Program and the enhanced recovery program after surgery program in the public sector.

Anthony is impassioned about helping patients with all types of chronic pain using multidisciplinary approaches. He is an experienced pain medicine physician with interests in intervention, helping patients to diagnose and alleviate their pain using evidence-based interventions where appropriate.

Anthony believes that whilst there may be no magic bullet to treat chronic pain, through a comprehensive individual assessment and a tailored treatment plan of action, patients can take control of their pain, and get back to living life.

Anthony relocated to Melbourne with his wife and two children in 2021 to begin this new chapter in life.

His multilingual proficiency (English, Cantonese and Mandarin) enables him to work with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Interventional techniques to treat pain; nerve blocks, joint blocks, radiofrequency, pulsed radiofrequency. Neuromodulation and spinal cord stimulation. Peripheral nerve stimulation. Ultrasound guided blocks. Myofascial blocks. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections. Pain conditions; back pain, facet joint pain, spinal pain, shoulder pain, neuropathic pain, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), lumbar radicular pain and sciatica, neck, facial pain, headaches, migraines, shoulder and arm pain, abdominal pain, post surgical neuropathic pain syndromes like post laminectomy pain, ilioinguinal pain, thoracic pain. Chronic post-surgical pain. Diabetic neuropathy.
Cantonese, Mandarin