Mr Stephen Barnett's primary interest is Thoracic Surgical Oncology, including the management of lung, oesophageal and thymic malignancy. Mr Barnett is experienced in laparoscopic, thoracoscopic and endobronchial ultrasound staging and resection of thoracic malignancy.
He gained proficiency in robotically assisted lobectomy and mediastinal lymph node dissection as a clinical fellow in thoracic surgical oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY. More recently, together with Associate Professor Gavin Wright, Mr Barnett has established a robotic thoracic surgery program at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Center focusing on mediastinal tumours.
Mr Barnett is a Senior Lecturer, in The University of Melbourne Department of Surgery, Austin Hospital, and is appointed as a consultant Thoracic Surgeon at Austin Hospital, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Royal Melbourne Hospital.